Google DeepMind
Telling stories of the people and ethics at the forefront of AI technology.
Telling the stories of the people behind one of the most exciting and fastest growing AI companies in the world.
People lack trust in AI companies and are concerned the people building the platforms are acting with commercial interest only and lack ethical awareness.
Using 10 films produced by Gramafilm we created a content strategy to anchor the films and drive relevance to people interested in a career at DeepMind and to educate a more generic wider audience about how DeepMind takes ethics seriously.
Following launch in December 2023 the videos generated 62k video views on YouTube in the first month.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
Produced by Gramafilm.
From day one, working with Felix was an absolute pleasure and a total ease. He brought his expertise every step of the way, helping deliver a large campaign for Google DeepMind with excellent results.
Nicki Riley, Client Development Lead, Gramafilm